30 upcoming life science events and tradeshows to kick-start 2023

By Life Science Newswire
2 Min Read

Deciding on which events to attend is a time-consuming task. Over time, the attendance rate and focus of events can change, and some events that were once held annually now are only run every two or three years. Keeping on top of these changes can take a reasonable amount of research.

Then, when you’ve gathered the relevant information, it’s likely you’ll need to prioritise which events to exhibit at, which you may attend in person or virtually as a delegate, and which you may miss altogether. After you’ve decided which events to invest time and resources into, no doubt you’ll then have various other decisions to make, such as which would be best to launch a new product or service at, if you want to invest in targeted media outreach, or whether you should consider securing one of your subject matter experts (SMEs) a speaker slot.

With the costs associated with event attendance generally increasing, and marketing budgets tightening, these decisions are key if your event programme is to be a successful element of your marcoms strategy.

To help remove some of the initial leg work, we’ve put together a useful list of upcoming life science events and tradeshows covering the first half of 2023 (from January to June).


List of upcoming 2023 life science events and tradeshows:









Send your press release to the life science media for the event

If you have some ground-breaking news to announce at your next life sciences event or tradeshow, such as a product launch or a new partnership, a press release is invaluable for reaching a broader audience. A well-timed press release distribution that coincides with key activities can help generate additional excitement at the event and act as a good conversation starter with any media in attendance, while ensuring other members of the media also hear about your news. In fact, it’s not unusual for online publications to publish your news while you are still at the event!

To help your company get more media coverage at an upcoming event or tradeshow, you can book a press release distribution with us today to maximise your life science media coverage with minimal effort. It’s just $1,500 per distribution using our pay-as-you-go service.

Book your press release distribution