
The University of Edinburgh acknowledges Pelago patent and use of ​CETSA® process

February 27, 2024

Pelago Bioscience logoUniversity of Edinburgh acknowledges Pelago Bioscience’s CETSA patent and use thereof in selected works in drug discovery research.

In connection with the CETSA® platform, the University of Edinburgh states:

“The University of Edinburgh wishes to acknowledge the validity of Pelago’s CETSA patent (EP 2 699 910 B1) entitled “Methods For Determining Ligand Binding To A Target Protein Using A Thermal Shift Assay” (the “Patent”) and the use of the Cellular Thermal Shift Assay (CETSA®) process described in the Patent in relation to the following works: Carolin Temps et al., “A novel mode of inhibiting SRC improves drug efficacy and tolerability”, Cancer Research, 20 August 2021, DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-21 0613; Chiara Asselborn, Kevin Myant and Alex von Kriegsheim, “Selective vulnerability of colorectal cancer (CRC) organoids to hypoxia-mimetic drug”, presented at the National Cancer Research Institute Cancer Conference in 2018; and; PhD student research to validate binding between integrin linked kinase and three compounds proposed to bind the protein undertaken in around February 2021”

Michael Dabrowski, CEO of Pelago Bioscience comments on the agreement: We are grateful to the University of Edinburgh in their acknowledgement of our Patent. I encourage the drug discovery community to engage with Pelago Bioscience to explore the value that our patented CETSA® technology and services can bring to enhance their drug discovery efforts.

For more information about Pelago Bioscience and CETSA technology, please visit:

About Pelago Bioscience:

Pelago Bioscience AB is a Discovery Research Partner serving the Drug Discovery community quantifying cellular target engagement of potential novel therapeutics from target validation to Candidate Drug nomination using our patented CETSA® technology platform.

Categories: Drug Discovery & Development, Corporate, Finance & Investor
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